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Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Fire safety director job description

In this post, you can ref job description of Fire safety director in details. A complete job description concludes Fire safety director key duties/responsibilities, Fire safety director job qualifications (knowledge, education, skills, abilities, experience…KSA model) and other ones such as daily tasks, key activities, key/core competencies, job functions/purpose…

I. List of Fire safety director duties:

  1. Staff and monitor lobby fire command station.
  2. Assist the Property Manager in implementing and maintaining an approved fire safety program in the building.
  3. Interview, train and deploy security/fire safety personnel in a manner, which maximizes the protection of life and property.
  4. Periodically test Class E System and all ancillary equipment maintaining logs of such tests reporting any and all deficiencies to Property Manager.
  5. Revise and maintain all assignments of Fire Safety personnel and associated logs. Post all floor fire safety team information as required by law.
  6. Review all construction drawings submitted by management office as to adherence to NYCFD codes and ordinances.
  7. Conduct elevator fire recall function as required.
  8. Establish and maintain emergency procedures and logs in coordination with the Chief Engineer/Property Manager.
  9. Prepare and update fire safety team charts as directed by management.
  10. Coordinate with Property Manager/Chief Engineer in the implementation of a Fire Brigade Program.
  11. Supervise testing and inspection of all fire extinguishers in base building areas.
  12. Coordinate testing of fire alarm system, with building occupants and management.
  13. Coordinate testing of standpipe and sprinkler systems with building occupants and management.

II. List of Fire safety director qualifications

  1. A high school diploma or equivalent educational certification required.
  2. A minimum of 3 years experience in the supervision of Fire Safety in a high-rise office building.
  3. By education or experience possess the knowledge to administrate a fire safety program within the parameters of all local ordinances and building standards.
  4. A documented history of employment in the security, police, firefighting or military field.
  5. Fire Safety Director Certificate.
  6. Standpipe and sprinkler certificate.
  7. Any other license or certification as from time to time may be required by local law or ordinance.

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